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Behaviour Consultant Services

1. Comprehensive Assessments   - carefully selected  to help   determine  your child's needs 

May include the following:

  • Functional Behaviour Assessments: identify challenging behaviours (if any) and why they may be occurring​

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  • Skill-building assessmentsestablish current level of skills in areas of communication, imitation, fine and gross motor skills, independent play, daily living, social skills, etc. Also helpful for developing individualized skill-building goals that may improve your child's independence and quality of life.

2. Program Development  -  individualized goals are developed from  assessments, family values, and funding/resource consideration

  • Individualized Behaviour Intervention Plan (BIP) 

    • outlines a functional communication response (e.g., sign language or a simple phrase, depending on the child's communicative abilities) to replace a maladaptive behaviour (e.g., hitting, screaming, elopement, throwing, etc.)​

    • includes evidence-based strategies focused on proactive solutions and environmental modifications or accommodations

    • does not focus on changing your child's behaviour

    • includes measures that will be used to monitor progress

    • a work-in-progress plan of written objectives and procedures that may be reviewed and followed by all members of your child's team

  • Skill acquisition programs (examples for young learners)​

    • imitation (e.g., imitating simple actions, words, and advanced writing/drawing imitation)

    • receptive communication (e.g., understanding and responding to spoken language, such as following verbal instructions)

    • expressive communication (e.g., communicating wants/needs and spontaneously commenting on items/activities in the environment)

    • fine motor skills (e.g., achieving pincer grasp, manipulating zippers and fastening buttons)

    • gross motor skills (e.g., balance, climbing, throwing/catching a ball)

    • daily living skills (e.g., initiating and completing daily routines, such as hand washing, getting dressed, etc.)

    • social skills (e.g., allowing others to join play, asking for others to join them, sharing, turn-taking, waiting, conversation skills, etc.)

    • academics (e.g., sight reading, reading comprehension, writing, and math skills)


3. BI Training & Parent Coaching   -       a reliable and passionate Behaviour Interventionist will be trained specifically to teach individualized goals from the BIP and to incorporate your child's interests and favourite activities into therapy 

  • BI Training: focused on basic behavioural and learning principles, involves shadowing the Behaviour
    Consultant initially and then bi-weekly check-ins with programs and progress. 

  • On-going Support: monthly meetings to ensure progress and incorporation of family goals

  • Opportunities for growth: families are welcome to watch in-home sessions to learn strategies implemented by the Behaviour Interventionist.

    *If interested in specific guidance (e.g., behaviour management), parent coaching can be provided by the Behaviour Consultant (in-home sessions with child and/or virtually through video calls)

4. Progress Monitoring    - 1-2 visits per month to see how sessions are going with the BI, ensure family satisfaction, and frequent review of your child's progress

  • Direct Check-ins: 1-2 in-person visits per month to ensure therapy is going well and train the BI further or make any changes to your child's goals

  • Data Analysisdata from therapy is reviewed on a regular basis

  • Updates: development of new goals (in collaboration with the family & other team professionals) once your child is consistent with their participation in current goals and can demonstrate their learned skills with multiple people and in different settings

  • Modifications: the environment will be frequently assessed to determine what changes can be made to instruction (e.g., adjusting adult instructions/responses, providing visuals, etc.) and which accommodations (e.g., providing tools to support sensory needs and using preferred items & activities) can be made to best support and motivate your child

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