Behaviour Consultant Services
1. Intake Meeting & Comprehensive Assessments - this is the most crucial stage to further understand your child's interfering behaviours, current skills, and areas for improvement
Intake meeting: An additional 1-1.5 hour meeting is required after the FREE meet and greet meeting to further gather information about your child's interfering behaviours, current skills, and areas for improvement. Your responses will help Lindsay to carefully select assessments to implement with your child.
Skill-building assessments: establish current level of skills in areas of communication, imitation, fine and gross motor skills, independent play, daily living, social skills, etc. Also helpful for developing individualized skill-building goals that may improve your child's independence and quality of life.
May include the following:
Functional Behaviour Assessments: only necessary if your child has interfering behaviours that are dangerous to themselves or others, or if they prevent your child from learning
-interviews with you and direct observations help reveal a pattern as to why interfering behaviours may be occurring
-allows an individualized approach to teaching your child a more adaptive, prosocial way to get their needs met, without the need for engaging in interfering behaviours
-a replacement behaviour will be outlined on your child's BSP and Lindsay will demonstrate how to teach and reinforce this during sessions to prevent interfering behaviours from occurring
2. Program Development - individualized goals are developed after reviewing assessment notes, past reports, and careful consideration of family values and funding/resources available.
Individualized Behaviour Support Plan (BSP)
outlines a functional communication response (e.g., sign language or a simple phrase, depending on the child's communicative abilities) to replace an interfering behaviour (e.g., hitting, screaming, throwing, running away, etc.)​
includes evidence-based strategies focused on proactive solutions and environmental modifications or accommodations
does not focus on changing your child's behaviour
includes measures that will be used to monitor progress
a work-in-progress plan of written objectives and procedures that may be reviewed and followed by all members of your child's team
Skill acquisition programs (examples for young learners)​
imitation (e.g., imitating simple actions, words, and advanced writing/drawing imitation)
receptive communication (e.g., understanding and responding to spoken language, such as following verbal instructions)
expressive communication (e.g., communicating wants/needs and spontaneously commenting on items/activities in the environment)
fine motor skills (e.g., achieving pincer grasp, manipulating zippers and fastening buttons)
gross motor skills (e.g., balance, climbing, throwing/catching a ball)
daily living skills (e.g., initiating and completing daily routines, such as hand washing, getting dressed, etc.)
social skills (e.g., allowing others to join play, asking for others to join them, sharing, turn-taking, waiting, conversation skills, etc.)
academics (e.g., sight reading, reading comprehension, writing, and math skills)
3. Review, then implement the BSP - after reviewing the BSP of proposed goals with you, Lindsay (Behaviour Consultant) directly implements them with your child in your home while incorporating preferred toys and activities.
Required Meetings: A 1-1.5 hour video call or in-person meeting is required following the assessment phase to review the BSP to ensure you agree to the goals and strategies/supports before implementation with your child.
Parent involvement: to get the most out of sessions, families watch in-home sessions to learn strategies and supports they can continue to use to generalize their child's skills outside of sessions.
Optional Meetings: Lindsay offers 1 hour video calls for parent coaching to further discuss behaviour management strategies (if funding allows) to eliminate travel costs and recap/review direct sessions
4. Progress Monitoring - Lindsay reviews data weekly and updates targets regularly to ensure your child is continuously learning.
Data Analysis: data from therapy is reviewed on a regular basis and graphs may be created to visually display your child's progress.
Updates: A meeting may be scheduled once a month or once every few months to review mastered programs/targets and potential new goals to add.
Modifications: the environment will be frequently assessed to determine what changes can be made to instruction (e.g., adjusting adult instructions/responses, providing visuals, etc.) and which accommodations (e.g., providing tools to support sensory needs and using preferred items & activities) can be made to best help your child learn and enjoy sessions.